Monday, July 7, 2008

Turn off your cell phone!

This is not going to be a very friendly post.

I hate people who don't turn off their cell phones during a movie!!!! I think they are loathsome, pathetic individuals who live a sad existence. There I said it and no I'm not taking it back. For sure there are some people who will need to answer a call during a movie, but I'm sure those people kindly place their phone on vibrate and quietly leave the movie theater without interrupting anyone.

The story behind this bold statement is from occurrence after occurrence of stupid people around me texting, taking pictures of the movie (yes), talking, or constantly checking their phones to see what time it is. My one question to people who do this is: why the HELL did you come to a movie? Obviously you're so damn important that you can't possibly waste your time to watch the movie and understand the plot. You must text your friend. You must listen to your voicemail. You must check every 10 minutes as to what time it is. Who the hell cares??? You spent $8 to see a movie that you're not even watching!!!! Now whose the idiot? Honestly, it's a lack of respect in a disrespectful world. The world is becoming less respectful over time. No one ever says excuse me anymore. People push themselves into lines. Others scream into their cell phones their personal business all the while knowing that I don't give a damn that they had a one night stand last night. But thanks for saying it lady cause I'm going to Purell my hands after touching the same key pad as you on the debit machine! Everyone reading this knows it is true. It's a very sad day to be acknowledging this, but I felt the straw that broke the camel's back this weekend.

I went to Wanted with my husband (the most awesome action movie ever made so far in my life!!!! if you love action movies....SEE this movie!) and of course we sit down and turn our phones to vibrate. About an hour in the movie everything is going smoothly, then during one of the most pivotal moments in the plot what do I hear out of earshot....brrrring......and then a whispered "hello, hold on a sec". A few minutes later, I heard some tikkkkkkk, from behind me. I know that sound, it's texting. And the kicker was I kept hearing this beeping sound. Turns out the man in front of me had a message and kept looking at his cell phone, glowing in my eyes. I just wanted to scream. Are we not capable of sitting for more than an hour and immerse ourselves into a fantasy of entertainment for our viewing pleasure? I believe this is the cause of anxiety, depression, and stress in today's society. We must feel we are constantly connected. If we are not, then we are horrible people. I'll let you in on my little secret. I purposefully don't turn my cell phone on until 11am or after on Sundays. Why you ask? To have a few hours of my life to myself. No offense to my family and friends, but I think it's healthy to kick back and relax for a few hours. Everyone should try it.

Back to my story. The movie ends, awesome movie, and we exit the movie theater and what do we see, people whipping out their cell phone and calling or texting people. I'm so grateful to have family and friends who understand personal space and need for relaxing. It was so sad. Even my husband commented on the use of cell phones. Of course his words were more like "can't these people turn them off for a minute" and make his signature groan sound.

What I'm trying to say is that the world will not spontaneously combust because you turned off your cell phone to watch a 2 hour movie that you yourself paid for!!!!

Thank you....and enjoy the show!!!!

P.S. I know I don't have children and I usually don't make my judgments out loud because of that fact, but right now I don't care. I understand it is hard to get a babysitter. I understand that and most of the time respect the fact parents bring their children along with them. But when you bring your little ones; as in 10 months old, 2 year old, and 6 year old to a very rated R movie. This was a super violent movie where the movie shows a person's head exploding from a bullet and the f-word used every other word. I'm sorry, but I just think it's inappropriate and tacky.

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