Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What have I done???!!!

So I'm beginning my second semester in graduate school again. No, I'm not getting a doctoral degree or a medical degree, instead I'm getting another master's degree. I probably would've went this educational route if I had know this degree existed. I'm getting a degree in instructional technology, aka instructional design. If you're not sure what that means, google it because it's too long and broad to explain. But if you're thinking it has something to do with education and technology, you're very close in the definition.

I came to this conclusion after several years working. One job in particular struck a really strong chord with me. I was an assistant director of academic and faculty development at a medical school in North Carolina. I managed workshops that met online and face-to-face to help medical faculty continue their education in order to keep up with their medical license. I enjoy this job and saw myself thriving in it but my husband completed his bachelor degree and was offered a job in another city, so moving was necessary and finding a new job was necessary as well. One bright spot was that we were moving closer to my family.

After moving, my working experience did not make me happy nor made me feel accomplished. Though I learned a lot, like how much the political game takes control of too much of the workplace, I felt my skills weren't being served well. So after 3 months of research, 6 months of talking things over with my husband, and debating with myself during the time in between I decided to go back to school full-time and work part-time.

*Now, before any one COMMENTS on how I left a good job while others are looking. All I can say is I feel bad for everyone looking because I have been there before many, many times. My decision was not easy and my only hope was that it opened another opportunity for someone who was looking. Now moving on...*

Thankfully I found a program that is a distance education program, meaning it is completely online, and allows me some flexibility. But I still have to be diligent and keep up with every reading, discussion, and assignment on my own. If I fall behind, it's my fault.

I do fear that I will fall behind or I won't succeed in this field. But after my grades last semester and how well I am doing in my part-time job, I feel a bit more confident in myself.

In the end, I'm just grateful for my family and friends support and I hope that me restarting this blog will help others think about their future. Not everyone will make the choices I have made, but maybe reading these posts will help someone see what they can change or remove whatever obstacle is in their way to find a better them.

Let's get started!