Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I always loved Thanksgiving not just for the turkey or the desserts (but let's be honest, it's a perk), but it is a holiday where you can reflect and remember what and why you are thankful for the things you have. These last few weeks I've started a list in my head of things I am so thankful for and some are silly and some are sweet, but all are me. I thought it would be a good idea to list them to help others remember what this great holiday is about...reflection and being thankful for what we have. So here I go.

  • Cheesy Lifetime movies...nothing makes a boring Sunday afternoon better than listening to my husband cuss at the Cowboys over my cheestastic Lifetime movie where a man had done her wrong. Ladies, I know you agree.
  • The cold weather. Finally, the weather is finally matching the season for the first time in years. I know that some people might read this and not understand it, but if you have lived anywhere in North Carolina these past few years, you know what I mean.
  • A steady job. I will never take job security for granted. And a roof over my head that I can afford.
  • Gas prices under $2.00. Hallelujah!!!!
  • Knowing that when I have a bad day, I can call someone and know they will listen.
  • My husband's unusual sense of humor. I swear sweetie, no one gets you but you! You still make me smile though.
  • The look of relief on my husband's face when his brother calls safely from Iraq.
  • That my brother-in-law is healthy and safe to call.
  • Hearing "I love you". Doesn't matter from whom.
  • That NO DOUBT is getting back together and doing a tour this summer. If you would like to contribute to the "Pamela/NO DOUBT concert fund", email me because I am traveling to wherever is the closest concert.
  • Friends that listen and care. (Movie night)
  • Sisters...no one understands you like your siblings.
  • My sisters and I making each other laugh with our stories.
  • My new baby niece or nephew on the way.
  • The Office, 30 Rock, two of the most brilliant TV shows on the planet.
  • DVR....whoever invented it should be honored with, I don't know, but have that person honored.
  • My dog's wagging tail when I walk into my home after a long day.
  • My kitties at play.
  • My cat Lucy chasing her own shadow.
  • My health: blood pressure is normal, stomach is getting better, no migraine since May, woohoo!!!
  • A reliable car that has workable, reliable brakes. If you live or have ever visited Greenville, NC then you know why I said that.
  • East Carolina University are football Conference USA eastern division Champions. Onto the championship boys.
  • That my mom's cancer is still gone.
  • The doctor's that help my mom keep her cancer away.
  • The doctor's that removed my appendix. Thanks guys!
  • Hearing my dad call me "dear"
  • Hearing my mom and dad laughing at each other.
  • Hearing my mom sing random songs as she cooks.
  • My niece telling me "ok, I love you too, ok?" and "you silly Aunt Pam".
  • When she also says "That Papa."
  • That my parents taught me the value of hard work and the dollar.
  • And never take anything for granted.
  • And that in the end, family is always there, and I can always go home "whenever I need"
I could continue on and on, but I think I'll stop. I hope you all have a wonderful, reflective, and yummy Turkey Day!