Friday, November 21, 2008

In the end it was canceled...

So it's a sad day for me. One of my favorite shows was canceled. That show was Pushing Daisies. The show was awesome and I look forward to seeing this season through, but I was hoping my journey with this show would've been longer. But after many petitions I signed, emails sent, and cries unheard, ABC networks decided to deliver the axe today.

At first I wanted to take to this blog and slam ABC for the poor choice, but what would that have done. They have the money, they have the power, and I don't. What I will say is that I'm extremely disappointed in this decision. Pushing Daisies was an inventive show with a mixture of science fiction, humor, and faith. It was far removed from all the sex and skank that's in most shows. A little back story for people who never watched the show. "The facts were these":
Ned was a piemaker who had a magical power of bringing dead things to life with only a touch of a finger, but after a minute the person or thing is still alive, something or someone else must die. If Ned touches it twice, it's dead forever. Ned brings his longtime love Charolette Charles "Chuck" back to life but sadly they can never touch or she will be dead forever. Because of Ned's gift he is roped into helping private invesitgator Emerson Cod solve his murder mysteries. Only Emerson and Chuck know of Ned's gift.

That's it in a nut shell.

When I discussed the show with a lot of people, the response I got, "why would the show go on, Ned and Chuck can't touch." To this I say "SO!!!!!" I am by no means the moral authority, but I'm started to get a little disgusted seeing more sex on TV and not so much communication between couples. Yes physical attention is a requirement in a relationship, but what about communication; discussing fears, irratations, hurts, wants, dreams, etc. What about normal interaction between each other. I feel like so many TV shows lack these things now. Granted Ned and Chuck's relationship was not normal, but they weren't sleeping around!

Sorry, I guess my anger is slipping out onto this blog. I guess I better just published and let my feelings be know.

There are more shows that are on the bubble, so if you want your show saved then try and try and try.