Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just thinking....

Hello all,

I'm just sitting here at my computer listening to the rain fall down. I'm trying to decide whether to do some homework, or just continue tying this blog.

I guess I can continue typing. So my class is writing for the healthcare professions. This combines two of my interests: writing and medicine. Well I wouldn't consider writing an interest. I have love to write since my sisters taught me how. I was 4 when I started writing my name without any help. This is the product of being the youngest sibling of a bunch of competitors. Jennifer would say "I know how to do this and you don't." I then would take this challenge on to my oldest sister Shelley who would reply "well I'll teach you if you really want to learn". So I did. I loved learning anything my sisters taught me. Or anything anyone would teach me. I'm still like that. If I meet someone new I hardly ask if they're married or any other personal information, but if they have an interesting job, look out I'm asking some questions. For instance a mechanic, I would ask how many vehicles they fix per week, is it hard locating parts, what's your favorite thing to fix? My dad is a computer programmer, so much of my tech savvy comes from watching him peck on the keyboards at home. He taught me some basic DOS menus back in the day. I kind of laugh under my breath whenever I'm around any IT guys and they talk to me like I'm a complete idiot about computers. So I throw in a few words tech words and they get a little thrown. When I explain what my dad does and how long I've been around computers, then the tone of voice changes instantly. But I digress. I just love learning.

Which brings me to another interest: medicine and healthcare. I have no idea why I'm so fascinated but I think it has to do with I have a hard time comprehending chemistry and basic science. These are things that learning never came easily. Language, history, even basic math I would excel in, but you put some basic science in front of me and my brain would flat line (pun intended). So I read to read as much as I can to understand the ever changing world of healthcare and medicine. I always take what I read on the Internet with "a grain of salt", but for the most part you can get some basic general knowledge. My interest also extends with helping people. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a people person, but I do generally like helping people. Instead of having yard sales all the time, I just take stuff I don't want to donation centers. If I need the money then yes I will have a yard sale, but for the most part I love the fact that the stuff I don't want will contribute to helping someone's well-being.

So someday I would like to have a career communicating to people, in however medium, information regarding their medical and health needs. I would like to know someone's life might have been saved because they understood the information carefully to know the dangers and I was the one supplying the information. You see, you can educate people without being in a classroom. That was one thing that annoyed me when I was an English major in college, everyone bugged me about being a teacher. I have no disrespect for teachers. In fact, I have so much respect I decided to not go that path. It takes so much determination and patience to be a teacher and quite honestly, I don't have that. Even now I'm getting annoyed at my cat Lucy whose meowing because I'm typing on the computer. I couldn't imagine myself in a room with 25 kids all day, 5 days a week! But you can reach people without standing in front of them handing out quizzes and homework. Understanding the basic information in any material is learning. That's the basic idea of learning. Not memorizing and regurgitating the material.

I guess that's what I really want out of life; constant learning.

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