Friday, June 20, 2008

Ahhh the appendix

According to Wikipedia, the appendix or the vermiform appendix as it is medically known is a blind ended tube connected to the cecum or a pouch connecting to the ascending colon. The purpose of the appendix has been medically argued for a number of years. Some believe that the appendix used to aid in digestion when human were cavemen (sorry my anthropology escapes me) and mostly dined on raw meat and rough greens. Others believe that the appendix aids with the immune system. But to this date, no one can say medically what the appendix serves.

Why am I writing about this? Well my emergency surgery was due to my pesky appendix and how it became a nasty acute appendicitis. Acute, here, meaning rapid onset, which it was. I personally would not wish that on my worst enemy. It is very painful and scary because appendicitis is very hard to diagnose. I found this baffling considering the many blood tests, urinalysis, and other tests the ER doctors performed on my and how I was screaming in pain. Then a CT scan showed the possibility of an appendicitis and was told that surgery was my only option. I remember the surgeon coming into the room to explain how the procedure would be done. I barely remember what he said because the throbbing was racing up my right side and had now started thumping in my ears. As I had my two hands gripped on the rails of the gurney, I just said "ok" when the surgeon finished talking. What I really wanted to say to the nice surgeon was "look, I know legally you have to tell me this but my body is in extreme pain and I have not had any pain medication and all I want is to have whatever is causing me pain out of me", but "ok" was the only thing my mouth could form. Plus I didn't want to offend anyone.

So now I'm recovering nicely and trying to resume my daily schedule. I find this a very enlightening experience. I always say when I get sick, it's my body and God telling me to slow down, take care of myself, and evaluate what I might be doing wrong. This was obviously a divine message saying "Girl, you got to slow down". Slowing down I am. My new motto "Things will fall into place, just not in the time you think they will."

In addition, I've got 3 new petite scars to add to my collection. When I commented to my husband about how my belly button is now "ruined", his response surprised me. "It's not ruined, it's just an added decoration." Brownie points he just won!

My message to all is slow down and take care of yourself. Sure there are things on my mind right now, but is all the worry worth it. I'm not saying stress caused this. I'm saying we all need to enjoy today's time. Also, if you have severe stabbing and burning pain in the lower right quadrant of your abdomen and it gets worse by the minute....go to the ER!

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