Monday, January 31, 2011


Well second post and I'm already lagging behind. I wanted to write my posts closer together, but I guess a month apart isn't too bad.

So, obstacles...they are everywhere. Whether physical, mental, emotional, obstacles are there to slow you down and make you feel overwhelmed.

I usually experience the feeling of being overwhelmed on Mondays and Tuesdays (see my poll for your opinions) and I think it's because the weekend, my head is in a different area. Weekends are a time for homework, family, errands, etc. and come Monday my brain is off my shoulders. But now my obstacles are much different. I am scrambling to transfer to a different university for my coursework on top of taking my classes and working as well. This also means I will be scrambling for a new job as well. Whew! Anyone dizzy yet??!! Anyone...anyone? Oh well.

I hope this blog is reaching out to someone who needs to relate or maybe this is just the place for me to vent. Only time will tell.

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